Friday 23 October 2009

Perth - Part I

For our first full day in Perth, Sharon suggested Kings Park and Botanic Gardens. It was an excellent place to wander around, admiring unusual plants and trees, not to mention stunning

views of Perth.

That body of water is the Swan River, the mouth of which is at shipping port, Fremantle, just south. Sharon and Bill got to know each other a bit whilst I did my usual with the camera.

Check out this weird, huge (sweet-potato-looking) boab tree,

transplanted to this spot from nearly 2,000 miles away.

Also, the state flower of Western Australia, kangaroo paws.

Sharon had thoughtfully provided a bouquet of these in our bedroom, as well as some lovely yellow freesias in our sitting room.

I haven't mentioned, have I, that they put us up in the one bedroom apartment in the back of their house on the other side of the swimming pool. We had our own kitchen facilities with breakfast goods so we could take our time getting ready in the mornings. I must have mentioned in one of our squillion emails over the past 14 months that I'm not really a morning person...

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