I couldn't decide whether to share this cartoon,

the gorgeous art deco card Bill found
or show you the wreath I made and am inordinately proud of...so I decided to do all three!
Merry Christmas!
Just think of it as coming over for a cup and a chat...
I love the Art Deco card - very chic! So I will say to you Happy Christmas!
Merry or Happy, does not matter. The key word in the phrase is CHRISTmas. The real meaning of the season that, unfortunately, is left out in so many of the celebrations this time of year.
Hope you and Bill and a very Merry and a Happy CHRISTmas. Though missing Joanne very much we still had a pretty good CHRISTmas this year.
I hope you had a lovely Christmas!
Heh I do say Happy Christmas sometimes. Hope you had a good holiday.
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