Friday, 18 November 2016

Handwork at Bateman's

So, I was last talking about our visit to Bateman's, home of Rudyard Kipling. I said I found it quite homespun and that I would explain that remark. 

Countries in Europe

I think it was all the examples of needlework I noticed.

Sorry about the reflection! A map of England's counties.

Embroidered maps of England and Europe first caught my eye. 

Parts of the UK. Interesting that the North Sea is called the German Ocean, among other different names.

The Kiplings' bed had embroidered hangings and bedspread. 

I believe one of the volunteers there said a local embroiderers' guild had done a copy of the original or extensive repairs or something. 

Even the ceiling of the canopy was embroidered. 

I believe a lot of this was the work of Kipling's wife, Caroline. I don't know if she will have done the needlework on the bed curtains, but I'm pretty sure she did the piece for the canopy.

The initials RK and CK under a tree of life.

There were a lot of pillows, a footstool or two and a firescreen which all looked to be the work of a busy needlewoman.

I doubt she did the tapestry in the hallway and probably not the curtains, but there are many textiles that have that sort of look.

It is at least one part of what made me think it would be lovely to live there. 

A quilted bedspread in their son John's room.

We get to see a lot of really grand houses as members of the National Trust. 

They are wonderful to walk around and see the history.

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 However, there aren't many of them that make me wish I lived there, not like Bateman's.

I get lost too easily!