Thursday, 30 June 2011

All Roads Lead to Oklahoma?

Another of those weird things I keep running across: when I was researching the history of North Shields for these articles, I found a list of famous people born there. 

Other than Stan Laurel I only recognized George Stephenson, but Alan Young seemed vaguely familiar. Turns out he was Wilber in one of my favourite childhood television shows: Mister Ed.   Does anyone remember Mister Ed?

Seems that the horse that ‘played’ the talking horse was named Bamboo Harvester, but there was a second horse used in publicity photos, etc., who lived longer than the ‘real’ Mr. Ed.   When the second horse died, he was buried on Snodgrass Farm in Oklahoma and there was some confusion at the time that it had been Mr Ed who was buried there.

I’m not bothered which horse was buried where, but boy did it make me homesick for my childhood…. I wonder if there are Mr. Ed videos? Would I still think they were funny?

Yes.  And yes, well, moderately.


  1. Of course all roads lead to Oklahoma. I keep telling anyone who will listen that this is the Center of the Universe.

  2. Uh-oh, I remember Mister Ed. In fact, I dearly loved that program.

    Are you familiar with Aesthetic Alterations blog? She is a Hermes lover who has just moved to Oklahoma...thought you might be of help, if the two of you don't already know each other.

  3. Rick - I started to say 'You mean "centre", but then again you are in OK...

    Terri - I've just gone over to AA (Aesthetic Alterations) and introduced myself. I think she may find the hot weather a bit challenging. Thanks for pointing her blog out to me.

  4. Shelley: No, no, no. We don't use the Kings English here. We have our own version, it's called "Oklahoman". But actually, the correct spelling of center in the U.S. is "center". As I've said before, funny about this common language these two coutries kind of share.

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