Sunday, 12 September 2010

Happy Birthday, Rita

I think of Rita every single day.  I think of her even more often than I do of Mom, who has been - unbelievably - gone for 20 years now. This is no doubt in large part because I have so many of Rita’s things around me to remind me of her. 

I still feel like a child with a dress up box sometimes, but I really enjoy finding ways to wear Rita’s scarves, her belts and her jewelry. I carry her favourite purse everyday; it matches my hair, if not always my clothes, which is good enough for me. In fact, my hair is currently the same auburn as hers was on occasion.

I regularly use the sewing notions that came from her stash, particularly the buttons and ribbons. Some of my latest cooking projects come from her cookbooks, one of my favourite being the Weight Watchers book I’ve mentioned before.

I still feel cheated at not having more time with her, but one of the best things I did after she died was to scan all the photos I had from her photo albums. Pat and I went through those that she had of the years before she and Jack married, selecting only the ones of her or of people we knew. Scanning them to send back to Pat made me realize that she had lived very much in the present, having lots of fun and friends and traveling as much as she could. She crammed a lot into her short 63 years.

That’s a pretty good example to set, I’m thinking.

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