Monday, 4 May 2020

Shortage of Toilet Paper

In the early months of 2019, in preparation for the first Brexit date, I stocked up on toilet paper, food staples and wine (which was distributed with each of our three Christmas visits to each of Bill's children). I will likely do so again in the months before December 31st this year when the 'transition' phase ends. Given the way this government has managed personal protective equipment and testing for coronavirus, not the mention the shortage of farm labour to pick crops, I feel this practice is fully vindicated. I would recommend you do the same, even start now with a couple of tins with each store trip / delivery.

My upstairs bathroom has very little storage space, so I've long used an old tote bag (a freebie from my most favourite ever magazine, Eve, alas now out of publication) to contain spare rolls nearby their point of use. I keep one one the window sill next to the toilet.

Because of the width of the tote bag I noticed right away when Aldi's TP shrank. When I sent Bill shopping in the loft for the next batch, I thought it was a convenient way to show you the evidence.


  1. I too have no confidence in the government and am doing the same sort of thing as you.

  2. Jenny - Glad to hear you're 'prepping'.
