Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Action Shot

Walking to my WI meeting on a Monday night I noticed a lovely tuxedo cat sitting on a stone wall amongst some budding trees. I thought to whip out my camera and snap him along with the daffodils but, no. He decided I might pet him and flew off the wall to follow me down the street. How frustrating. Still he was a lovely sight.


  1. Good action shot of him running away! :)

  2. Hi Jenny - Thanks for dropping by!

  3. I've never come across the term 'tuxedo cat' before (not being a huge cat follower) - but it is very apt!

  4. Hello, Mike! Thanks for dropping by. A 'tuxedo cat' is just a black and white cat, as opposed to a tabby or a ginger - just a way of describing them. There used to be a gorgeous long haired tuxedo cat at the metro station who came to comfort me as I made my way to work. He was quite popular, being a friendly type, and his passing made the local news. Since knowing him I've been partial to tuxedo cats, though I can't really call myself a particular cat lover either. Thanks again for your comment. I will look forward to browsing your blog!
