Saturday, 8 December 2018


O.M.G. The last comment I published here was in the Autumn of 2016. For some reason I didn't see any more comments "awaiting moderation" for ages. I figured either no one was reading or that Blogger had changed something that made it impossible for people to comment. I couldn't figure out how to fix it, if so. I felt for a long time that I was pretty much talking to myself here, except for the occasional mention from someone in real life who said they liked something here.

I haven't made this blog a priority for some time, using it more as a journal for myself or to put things on to share with a number of people. So it has slowly cranked to a near halt.

And just now I've found a whole slew of comments dating back for a couple of years! Sorry to have ignored you all this time!


  1. Shelley, I'm pretty low-tech, so I can't tell you why that might have happened. I hope you find out, though.

  2. I have just managed to reactivate my Google account so that I can send you comments. I thought I was not too bad from a "tech" point of view but am pleased to have risen to the challenge - eventually! Hope your discovery of comments on your blog will spur you to post more - a New Years resolution perhaps?

  3. Vivien - I didn't even realise you had to be a Google member to make comments, so you're ahead of me! Everything here is at 6's and 7's at the moment but, yes, I do hope to post more often here.

  4. You'll have to bring me up to speed with all the 6's and 7's when we meet next week. Looking forward to more posts.

  5. HOpefully you will feel encouraged to continue with the blog again!

  6. Glad your comment system is now righted and open for across-the-Atlantic transmissions of admiration and updates from the States! ;)

  7. Jenny - I AM encouraged - right when I have ninety-eleven other things to do, of course! But yes, I think I will enjoy writing here again. Thanks for hanging in there with me!

    Jg. - I'm glad too! I'm most humbled and more than a little puzzled about your 'admiration' since our writing styles and subject matter seem so different, but then there is that saying about 'variety'. Now, back to Christmas preparations...
