Friday, 10 November 2017

Things I've Made

Looking back, it seems there were times I practically lived on / through / for this blog. Clearly that hasn't been the case recently. I'm ambivalent about that. It's good to just live / do / be; then again, I have no record to look back on. So I'm trying to strike a balance. I'm more imbalanced by nature, however, so we'll see how that goes.

Anyhow, I realise I've not shared many of the things I've made this past year. I pretty much always have something on the go (not even counting all those UFOs - UnFinished Objects). 

Remember the rows and columns of Smoothie hats I knitted for AgeUK? I did another batch last winter. We'd taken down some pictures from the wall for decorating (oh, about a decade ago) that never got put back up. So I used the little nails to hang the hats.

I gave every 10th hat a pom-pom to save me re-counting them a million times. I think I ended up giving them something like 203 of the silly things. Mind, our knitting group - 15 or 20 women - produced something insane like 6,000, so my 200 is hardly anything.

I tell myself I'm sick of these, but months have passed and I find myself collecting the odd little pieces of wool into a large ball to knit more of these with. Even Meriel thinks I'm crackers, but I do hate waste (everyone should visit a landfill at least once in their life). 

I was over the moon to discover that my sewing and yarn scraps (like less than an inch in size) could go to the charity shop. They sell it on by weight to companies who make things like mattresses and carpet underlay. 

But for now, 'Winter is Coming' and I'm gearing up for more Smoothie hats...

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