Monday, 12 September 2016

Rita's Birthday

Still in Germany just now, but today is my Aunt Rita's birthday. With such  limited internet - this is my first session in over a week - I've caught up on magazine reading, list making and scribbling down ideas. I almost feel as though the creative blood is trying to flow back into a deadened limb, having bee cut off by Ancestry addiction!

So it has been good having this break from the screen.

Hard to believe Rita's been gone 9 years already. She would have been 72 today. I know she'd tell me that though family is important, so is sewing! So I'm determined to get back to it more regularly...and I'll be thinking of Rita when I do!

She doesn't have her own listing in the index, but her other posts can be found under Remembering or Mom's family.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I've been thinking about how to rearrange my tiny digs to set up a permanent sewing area.
    Hope your trip to Germany is wonderful. Can't wait to read your future posts about it.
    Hope you're learning lots through the Ancestry addiction.
