Monday, 4 August 2014

Camping at Edinburgh

We visited Edinburgh for a few days, long enough for me to call in to Armstrongs to pick up some cashmere sweaters, to locate Scotland's People for a future family history dig and to meet Sarah's new-ish boyfriend, Gareth. He seems pleasant enough, a quiet giant who towers over me and lets Sarah do the talking.  Ask me anything about her work, I can all but do it by now. I'm glad she loves her job! 

Muirhouse Mansion, which could belong to the Addams family, was just across from our campsite. This house was built in 1832 but as late as the 1950s there were towers from an earlier dwelling built in the 17th century and the records of the land go back to Robert the Bruce in the 1300's, or so says the internet. Historic Scotland doesn't appear to have anything to say about this place.

So far as I can tell, it is now an office for some strangley anonymous business.  I'd have a hard time choosing just one office, wouldn't you?


  1. What a beautiful location. Hope you had a nice time camping!

  2. I'd love to work in that office!

    I have never been to Scotland but the photos I have seen tend to give me a sense of its (somewhat romantic) geographic isolation, and make me want to pull on my beloved triple-ply cashmere pullover.

  3. Gam Kau - It was a mixed trip. The scenery was spectacular but I can't recommend 100 miles of the tourist route through the winding hilly roads. I felt I'd been beat up by the end of the day!

    Ilegirl - Cashmere sweaters is one of the things that took me to Scotland this trip!
