Sanda - Well spotted! Actually, he put this on his Facebook page and so I borrowed the idea. He's a bit obsessed with Route 66 - as are many Brits. For his 60th birthday, he gathered 11 members of family and friends and we toured in the US on Rt 66 - with a couple of diversions. I think he almost wishes he had planned to do this again this year, but in any case he does plan to visit Route 66 this year - we'll be visiting my family and friends in Oklahoma City sometime later this year.
I'm honoured that you have added me to your blog roll. Thanks!
Wish him a happy birthday from me. Is there a hidden message here? (smile)
ReplyDeleteSanda - Well spotted! Actually, he put this on his Facebook page and so I borrowed the idea. He's a bit obsessed with Route 66 - as are many Brits. For his 60th birthday, he gathered 11 members of family and friends and we toured in the US on Rt 66 - with a couple of diversions. I think he almost wishes he had planned to do this again this year, but in any case he does plan to visit Route 66 this year - we'll be visiting my family and friends in Oklahoma City sometime later this year.
ReplyDeleteI'm honoured that you have added me to your blog roll. Thanks!