Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Musee Louis Voland

Google Translate doesn't quite accomplish what I wanted, but I'm sure you get the general drift:

Revolution and the years to follow were because of that vast convent of Dominicans who occupied the whole district. From 1840 on grounds cleared, nobles and bourgeois edify spacious mansions. The museum occupies Vouland for its part of the hotel Villeneuve Esclapon, edified in 1885, the most elegant façade overlooks a pleasant garden to the south. 

In 1927 the hotel was bought by a wealthy industrialist power, Louis Vouland, to make his principal residence. This brings enlightened amateur beautiful collection of furniture and objects, privileging the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 

At his death in 1973, following his wills, a museum managed by a foundation bearing his name is installed in his home to make its collections accessible to the public, rare set of decorative arts in the South of France.

This was on a sign outside the Musee Louis Voland.  I can't say I had a huge appreciation for the man's collection but his home was spectacular.  You can see a couple of interior photos at their website.  (Click on the British flag to enter, then on the left, select 'collections').

In addition to the usual collection on display at this museum, there was also an exhibit by the SPH.  I looked at that and thought 'School of Public Health'?  but instead it is Société Protectrice de l'Humour.  Does any other country have a Society for the Protection of Humour?  Apparently they exhibit at the Louis Voland museum every year at the Theatre Festival of Avignon. 

My French wasn't sufficient to interpret most of the cartoons, but I still spent a great deal of time looking at the displays because with a little effort I could understand a fair amount of them.  I came away with the distinct understanding that French humour is largely about politics or sex and is often painfully black; at least it was during the period 1967-1976.  Bill was - as he often is - incredulous that I would find so much of interest there, but I felt I learned a lot about French culture and history.  

Sadly, no photos were allowed in the museum or in the SPH exhibit.

Afterwards, we paused for a rest in the gorgeous garden behind the museum.  It, too, seemed somehow very inspiring.  I kept thinking that if I studied how things were done I might come back and incorporate some ideas to make our house more attractive. 

There are currently some projects underway in preparation for our Thanksgiving Party, but those are another post...

1 comment:

  1. That museum looks like it must have been a delightful home and gardens in Voland's lifetime. We have some museums in Tulsa that were once grand homes, and the gardens are still so fabulous.
