Monday, 22 October 2012

Thursday Craft Group

My friend Lucy has returned to work and has been busy moving house. 

I've already forgotten whose birthday it was, but the cake was delish -
full of fruit!

If I want to see her, I have to go to the Thursday night craft group or wait until the next WI meeting. 

I'm lucky to be in the craft group as they've stopped taking new members; they've run out of space around the tables. 

Sorry about the fuzzy photo. 
I knitted this brooch in about an hour from scrap yarn..

We each pay £3 and a handful of the ladies lead sessions on how to do a particular project.  If there are specialist materials needed, they come out of the fund left after paying the rent.  When the money runs low we just bring whatever we're working on. 

We swap patterns and materials and the rule seems to be that when you finish a project you bring it to put out for others to see.  These ladies are good 'finishers'.  I'm hoping they'll rub off on me!

It's an amazingly creative group and I sometimes find it tough to keep up; my skills have a long way to develop. 

Hand-made 'chenille'

I have a rule not to spend a lot of money for new materials when I have so much that needs used up. 

So I didn't go buy wool to knit up ENORMOUS house shoes to felt and shrink, even though I thought the finished product quite neat (most of my stash is inexpensive acrylic).

These size 10 shoes started out about 2' long!

There are loads of brilliant ideas everywhere I look and they all seem to bring these horribly tempting books, which I try to ignore. 

These are 'bit-bags'; the top is weighted with sand and
it's meant to put beside the sewing machine to catch threads, etc.

My crafting / sewing library is plenty big already and I've yet to use even a fraction of the ideas already in my possession.


Christmas mice!

Still, these are really friendly ladies and I think the £3 sessions are extremely good value!


  1. I want a pair of felted slippers like these! And the little mice are darling. I can see the temptations...

  2. Those felted slippers are very cool...

  3. I shall see if I can't locate the pattern for those slippers...

  4. You knitted shoes? That's superb, basic baking is about the only craft I can do.

  5. Loved the different crafts. Friend Jenny and I have just had a big Christmas craft sale helped by ESL ladies and others. We made over $5,000 for a children's charity, so are very pleased.

  6. Tabitha - Well, I didn't knit them, but in theory I could. I never thought of baking as 'craft' but more like 'chemistry'. Either way, I'm in awe.

    Jane - Well done, you and Jenny! I'd never have thought of a Christmas craft sale in October, but obviously it went over great! That must be very satisfying to raise all that money for a good cause.

  7. I am so jealous of your group. I would love to find something like it here. In Seattle we had the Senior Centers, where they did these kinds of things, but you had to wait until you were 50 to join in. I wonder if I can locate a pattern for those Christmas mice.
