Friday, 24 February 2012

One Tiny Thing

Anna, over at Pleasant View Schoolhouse inspired me with her post, One Tiny Thing.  Her blog is an oasis of peace, order and pretty things that is always a joy to behold.  I'm guilty of giving my house a lick and a promise - and sometimes just the broken promise - but hers is a well run, spic & span house (then again one can pass for almost anything on the internet, right?).

Anyhow, her One Tiny Thing made me look around and see what I could make better.  I have another squillion 'medium to large things' to do, but one by one I'm also tackling the little things that have always annoyed me no end. 

I'm sorry to surprise you with this shockingly bad photo of a fish.  Never mind the fish for the moment, it's that stupid white tag on the red blind that I'm talking about.  I don't know if Bill hung the blind backwards or what, but it drove me nuts for I don't want to admit how long.  Once I finally pulled out a pair of cuticle scissors and carefully cut the stitches that held it in place, I felt so much better! 

The fish, by the way, is a hake and though you can't tell from the photo, he is quite round.  There was enough fish there for four people and hake is delicious, not too strong but with a very pleasant mild flavour.  He cost only £2 as well.  Bargain!

Are there 'tiny things' around your house that make you crazy?


  1. Yes, there ARE tiny things around my house that drive me crazy. Last Friday, I finally ran the dust mop around our bedroom. And, then, DH decided to add a new chair to the room, removing the old recliner. And what do you suppose was under the recliner? Dust mice.

  2. Yes there are about a million...I should cart around a box of tools and get them all tackled - I bet it would feel great!

  3. Yes---her name is Bridgit Jeane, the two year old in the house, and she does drive me nuts. Way too much energy for this old goat. BUT, she is mine and when she looks at you with that cute little face it is hard to stay angry at her. Looks like Buddy Joe and I have decided to keep her.

  4. This would be a good question for my husband. My standards are pretty low, so by the time something has finally started to annoy me, he had already dispatched it.

  5. What a great idea, you are so right! Tackling little jobs one at a time would be very satisfying since you accomplish something quickly. I'm trying to keep on top of things around my house by attending to things as I notice them, rather than adding to a list to do later. This seems to work out pretty good!
    In answer to you question; yes I think that Vogue 1170 would work out well in a fine cotton. It would make a nice casual blouse too.

  6. Terri, One of the next big things we need to do is to have all the carpets cleaned. It means moving a lot of furniture... makes me tired to think of it.

    SP, If it involves tools, I'm not likely to be very good at it, so I'd have to cart Bill along as well...

    Beryl, I have pretty low standards as well, for a lot of things. I keep trying to raise them, but I find they are quite heavy things to lift.

    Carolyn, I find I have to have a certain mindset to see these things and I try only to deal with two or three small things at once, else I get bogged down in remodeling the whole house before I know it. But yes, tending to little annoyances is very satisfying.

  7. Are you planning on making that Rachel Comey blouse? It's really cute. I think it would be nice in a Tana Lawn. Really good close ups of the finished product at: (That is also an interesting skirt. Have you seen the version made by Amanda in Texas? If you can't get the Vogues for $4 where you are, I will buy them here and send them to you anytime. I love an excuse to go to Fabric stores!

  8. Beryl, Heavens, who knew you were such a sewing enthusiast! Thanks for the offer, I'll keep it in mind, but no I hadn't intended to make that blouse. I'll have to check out those other blogs, thanks again!

  9. It's mostly clutter that bothers me. We had a bag of sport things which my husband was to donate to the school at which he works. Needless to say, the bag sat for months in the kitchen, driving me mad with irritation. I finally stuffed it into a cupboard where I store items to donate to Goodwill, and then wondered why I had not done so weeks earlier!

  10. "Peace, order, and pretty things... "

    That always sounds good. I have some pretty things, still, from various travels and times in my life (including wonderful things made by my children and by artist friends). But "peace" is much harder to find in today's world, though I suspect that if I could restore some "order" to my environment, that would help.

  11. Rick, I can well imagine that Bridgit Jean makes you a bit crazy sometimes. Hopefully as she gets older she'll settle down a bit and be easier to live with. You might try classes again when she is older; some dogs aren't bright enough when they are young. My golden retriever Sunny just didn't get anything until he was about 3 years old. Then he was so big he was more difficult to train, but I got the good manners part down if not some of the fancier tricks like heeling without a lead. Fortunately it was just his nature to be pretty mellow. I can't bear yappy nervous dogs.
