Friday, 9 December 2011

The Mystique of Mustique

One of the many benefits of researching the lives of interesting historical people is that one discovers the oddest things one never knew they didn't know.

For example, the Tennants are an interesting family, full of beauty, creativity and more than a little eccentricity.  However, their family fortune was founded by someone with serious brains who discovered a better way of bleaching fabric than using stale urine and sunshine. 

Model - Stella Tennant (1970- )
Actress, poet - Pauline Rumbold (1929-2008)
Aesthete - Stephen Tennant (1906-1987)
Owned Gargoyles Nightclub in Soho, opened 1925 -
   David Pax? Francis? Tennant (1902-1968)
Chemist, industrialist - Charles Tennant (1768-1838)

Then we have Colin Tennant (1926-2010).  In 1958, he bought one of the Grenadine Islands, Mustique for £45,000 (maybe about £2 million in today's money).  Those of you who have been following the doings of the Royals, such as Princess Margaret, will no doubt already know everything about Mustique.  I only learned about it when reading about the doings of Kate Middleton.

If you want to have yourself a nice little holiday, you could do worse than to start here.  Prices listed are per week and the FAQ's are interesting.   (I don't see this in our future, but one never knows.)   

Funny enough Colin Tennant, having lost one son to hepatitis C, another son to AIDS and apparently his island as well, had a strange and happy twist in his life at the age of 83.   Maybe not a bad thing to have a psychotherapist in the family.

1 comment:

  1. I once stayed with friends on Mustique, but lovely as it is, I'm not really one for the Caribbean. I love seeing how family fortunes were built up, with my neighbours it was sugar, I wish I had a biscuity heritage!
