Sunday, 18 September 2011

Returning Home

Our trip home was long, but fortunately uneventful.  I remember at some point at the airport telling Bill that I was just too tired to make conversation any longer.  I felt that I had been talking practically non-stop for 3 weeks and my brain simply didn't want to participate in any exchange of words for a while.  Have you ever been so tired you were speechless?

When we got home I was anxious to see how the garden was doing.  We were greeted first thing by brilliant orange flowers in the front.

The back had gotten along just fine without us!  The runner beans were running, the strawberries were berrying and even the raspberries were rasping (whatever).  Turns out George had just looked over the fence and not seen any strawberries.  They were of course all under the leaves and so the whole crop was still there.

We had strawberries every night for dinner for a couple of weeks, but never enough to freeze or make preserves.  The raspberries came on just as the strawberries dwindled and have given over a half dozen every day.  Not a big crop, but enough to add to fruit desserts and make them special.  I'm still sufficiently new (and bad) at gardening that whenever anything actually grows I still get really exciting.  Most the credit for that obviously rests with Bill. 

Now it's blackberry season, which is wonderful in terms of finding free food. 

However, not so wonderful in that the end of summer is rapidly approaching.

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