Tuesday, 31 May 2011

55 Today

This is my birthday party in 1960. The stringy-haired blonde kid is me. The grown up lady is my Aunt Rita. She would have been just shy of 16 there. The little boy on my right (your left) is Tommy, from across the street. My first crush. Isn't he cute?

Never mind. My current crush, with a remarkably similar hair cut - you know, Bill - is taking me to dinner tonight. We're going to Avanti.

I've searched and searched for any words of wisdom I might share about turning 55, but I don't have any.   All that comes to mind is that getting older beats the alternative and I'm still having a great life.  

I'm crossing my fingers that this statement will hold true for most of my remaining days. 


  1. Have a great day Shelly

    The best advice I heard was:
    "After passing 50, stop worrying about what other people might think about you. What matters is, what you think about them."

    I have enjoyed your pieces about York.


  2. Happy Birthday. Enjoy your evening out.

  3. Thanks, everyone, for your kind birthday wishes! It's been a lovely day. XXX

    PS Anna - a couple more York posts to come. Just paused for a 'public service announcement' as it were...

  4. Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great day.

  5. shelley -- happy birthday, indeed!!! well done you. so glad that you are living a great life. no better words could be spoken. Here's to another 55 more!

    all the best ...


  6. Happy, Happy Birthday and sorry I am late with my good wishes.
    You don't look 55 and I know for sure that your running speed belies it!

  7. Thank you for all the kind words, Pauline. I've given up worrying about what age I look - far too late to take back all those years of sun worshipping! As to my 'running speed'...that would make me about 75, I believe, so let's not go there, shall we? Thanks again - you're a sweetie!

  8. My belated birthday wishes! How was your dinner.
