Thursday, 21 April 2011

Long Live the Queen

Today is the 85th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II.  Last week one of Bill's relatives in California, Annette, emailed me this series of photographs and I remembered the Queen's birthday was coming up.  I never think about how long she has been Queen, she's the only Queen of England in my lifetime.  I thought you might enjoy this pictures as much as I did.

Pretty amazing, eh?


  1. I love that "I'm getting my picture taken with the Queen" grin on Bill Clinton

  2. excellent fun reading through that. thanks for the presidential role call, and those pics of the queen when she was young. glamorous ...

  3. The Queen has had her picture taken with a few more US Presidents than my Dad. Of those 11 pictures Dad has his picture in the White House with five of them. (Those pictures are in his book I sent you.) ;->
