Thursday, 3 February 2011

Chocolate February

I don't know about you, but I'm pleased to see the end of January.  I always think it's a cold, dark month best used for hibernation and this year was no different.  February, on the other hand, is halfway to March, which is supposed to mean spring (but I know it will still be cold and more lion than lamb, but never mind).  I wore something black every day in January, but that also meant I wore loads of colours because so many things go with black.  I also bought myself some flat black boots (Hush Puppies!) and that allowed me to wear loads of skirts and dresses I wouldn't normally have found a use for.  Those boots and a long-sleeved white tee were my only clothing purchases in January, and I bought them new, for a change.

So, the brown clothes will get their turn this month.  I have flat brown boots I've long loved and enjoyed.  I've always liked brown but thought of it as a mouse colour, good to hide in.  Then one day I realised if I'd only call it 'chocolate' or 'cocoa' it would create a completely different vibe.  People and words are funny that way, aren't they?

Brown isn't quite as versatile as black, but half the fun in is the challenge, right?  Orange, cream, rose, purple and even some shades of blue can work with chocolate, especially with the help of a print that mixes brown and another colour.   Scarves, once again, come to the rescue; and, they keep one's neck warm.

Do you prefer to wear 'chocolate' instead of 'brown'?


  1. Actually, I'd rather eat chocolate. Of course, I guess, if you eat enough you'd be wearing it also. ;->

  2. I prefer chocolate any time. It is kind of like black you can use a lot of colors with it to perk it up. With the end of January come February which brings us more winter weather. In with the snow (I believe 11 inches)and we all stayed home for 2 days.
