Saturday, 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

With love from Shelley


  1. Hi!

    Just randomly found your blog and before I start reading it, I just wanted to say that - judging from your profile picture - you are stunningly beautiful.

    Season's greetings,

  2. You show a number of "snow" pictures, how much of the year do you get snow in your area?

  3. Nedyfay - I couldn't resist publishing your comment, it's been a while since I laughed out loud quite that long. It's a peculiar photo from Bill's camera phone that translated from their to my computer and onto Blogger. It is a flattering photo, but it only vaguely resembles me. Thanks for that laught - it was wonderful!

    Joanne - I don't know how much snow we normally get. If you had asked me before last year I'd have guessed about 1/4 of an inch around my house - but the Yorkshire Dales south of us or the hills west of Northumberland might get as much as a foot of snow that stays. That's a guess. We've probably had about 3-4" that has stayed over the last month. As soon as it looked like melting, more came along. The streets are finally, just today, black again, so hopefully we're done with all this foolishness. I have loads of photos from the beautiful (that is to say, the first) snow storm last January. The Christmas card in this post is the view from our bedroom window.

  4. I wish to be associated with the remarks of the first writer

  5. Agreed - stunningly beautiful - both you, and the snowy scene.
    Happy New Year!
