Sunday, 18 July 2010

Remembering Ella

Today would have been Ella's 96th birthday.  We've made date slice in her honour.  I decided to share some pictures from her 90th birthday party, back in 2004.  

I thought it was a wonderful day.  

Several generations of her family 

gathered from England, Scotland and Australia 


to help her celebrate.  

 Friends from church, 


friends from her residential home, Abbeyfield


and several of the Abbeyfield staff 


came to wish her happy birthday.

Bill organised the lunch party at the 


Grand Hotel in Tynemouth.

And it was very Grand.

There was more food that we could possibly eat.

We 'youngsters' waited on the elders. 

I remember that made me particularly happy for some reason.


I took loads of pictures with Bill's digital camera.

That evening Ella was at our house, opening presents.  

I'd love to have a 90th birthday like that, wouldn't you?

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures and a great place to have a memorable birthday party. Mother is 90 this year. As she has outlived the friends she made here our party will be just family. Roger usually comes down for her Birthday.
