I have prepared my own tax returns off and on for years. My mom did my first few returns for me, and then my husband did them. After a few years he couldn’t be bothered any more and I started panicking that we weren’t filing. A friend at work who was retired from the IRS helped me get caught up. Then I paid accountants for the years I lived in
When I moved to the
Then came the day when I discovered that the
My tax return gives me more concrete information about where I stand financially, particularly as my rental income is sporadic. It is easy to say that I collect X dollars in rent income and so that is how much money I have. In fact, from that X amount is subtracted management fees, maintenance and repairs, utilities, property tax, and insurance. After that of course out comes federal and state income taxes. Then there is the exchange rate from US dollars to British pounds and the fee associated with the exchange.
It’s sort of like trying to get all the cookies out of the cookie jar, but your hand won’t fit through the hole, you know? Except that in this case, everyone else gets to take cookies out before I do. I honestly don’t resent paying taxes, but it is always a bit of a shock to see the money shrink. I tend to do my budgeting on the previous year’s income, given I don’t really know about what will come in from month to month, and my federal tax return gives me about the clearest picture of what is in the pot. I think of tax return preparation – at least the fundamentals – as being part of financial literacy, though I realize that as soon as one does something complicated it becomes harder work and for many an accountant is the only way to go.
Do you DIY? Do you learn useful stuff from it?
I've been doing my own taxes for years. Now I let Turbo-Tax do it. Like the accountants you used, I just type in the data and hit the print button. (In most cases the tax accountants are using the same software I am.) I feel the annual investment of $35.00 or so for the new years version of Tubro-Tax is money much better spent than to an accountant.
ReplyDeleteI do use an accountant to do the tax filing for the RV Club, which I serve as Treasurer. Although we are tax exempt we still have to file a return each year. Like most of the US tax code this requirement makes no sence in that we don't pay any taxes.
Yes, it kills me to fill out a bunch of forms to prove I don't owe, but that's the way of it...
ReplyDeleteI hate tax time, not because I object to paying (which is clearly no picnic but unavoidable), but because of the process.
ReplyDeleteI have to say, it was easier living in the UK: one form, done online.
Here in the US we are doing a state form and a federal form, plus AMT for each, and one of them can't be filed online (or at least, not for free). I heartily wish they'd just simplify it and collect their cash in a more straightforward way.
But I can't really complain, my dearest hubby does the bulk of the work. :)
As you say, the pro's charge an arm and a leg, when in fact most of the pain is in collecting the wretched info together.