Saturday, 24 October 2009

Perth - Part II

After lunch at the cafe,

Sharon showed us Cottesloe Beach and the older

neighbourhoods where she and Tom, her husband, each grew up. As with many larger sprawling cities, the older inner areas have become quite trendy, being more convenient for

commuting. We agreed that we grew up in a different era, when parents sent children to neighbourhood parks and play areas to entertain

themselves, without today's worries about kidnapping or molestation. I was envious of Sharon having grown up within walking distance of a beautiful beach.

We weren't back at the house for too long when we got to meet Tom, now home from work. Then their son, Luke and his wife, Jo, brought over the Blessed Grandson, Tommy. Luke and Jo were off to a concert they were really excited about (?No FX?) and Grandma had promised to babysit ages ago before we were scheduled to come. Tom was off to a meeting, something about the local sports league organisation, in which he's been heavily involved for years.

Meanwhile Sharon started making dinner. Now, I'm useless with babies -- they generally start crying as soon as I pick them up -- but Bill proved himself entirely competent and Grandpa-ready.

Sharon was well impressed, as was I. She fed us a huge chicken dinner and I don't think we managed more than a cup of tea or two after the dishes but we were ready to crash and burn yet again. I worried a bit that we weren't very good guests. Mind, when I thought about it later, Sharon and I talked pretty much non-stop for the whole visit. Bill maybe got a dozen words in there, I think. No wonder he picked up little Tommy -- he needed someone to talk to.

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