Today is my Aunt Rita's birthday. She's only been gone for about 2 years and I'm still sad about her passing. I think about her often: when wearing some of her clothes that either she or Jack gave me, when wearing her jewelery, every time I colour my hair (She gave me detailed instructions once, when I didn't ask; I suspect I'd missed a spot or two and she was being diplomatic!), whenever I eat fried eggs and put pepper on them, whenever I sew, particularly when I use her scissors or notions. I know I would have thought of her often even without these things. Rita was a big influence in my early years; I used to call her my No. One Babysitter.
So, I write this with a wet face, but in following along my new tradition of foods to remember my loved ones, I've been meaning to tell you about a cookbook she had.
Jack encouraged me to take whatever of her many cookbooks I wanted. I had to be selective as to what would fit into my suitcase (and a little of Bill's and Bob's), so I didn't manage very many. However, I have thoroughly enjoyed cooking from most of the ones I brought home, particularly Weight Watchers Meals in Minutes Cookbook.
Although I don't always use the microwave method for cooking that it recommends, I love that it has recipes that use ordinary ingredients, that the recipes are for 2 people which helps with one of my main problems -- cooking for an army (and then eating it), that it has a good selection of budget recipes. Best of all, Rita folded down pages of some of the recipes and I have cooked a number of those, knowing that they appeal to her.
First chance I get, I shall be cooking something from this cookbook -- preferably something with the jalapeno peppers that she loved!
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