Thursday, 7 May 2009

12 Hour Birthday Cards

Margaret from the sewing group has been really patient in translating sock pattern instructions for me. So when I saw her birthday was this week I decided it was time to have another go at a fabric birthday card.

Enid's birthday was also this week and I didn't want her to feel bad at not getting something special as well. Also, Enid's 42 year old daughter, Dawn, died last month, after a lifelong debilitating illness. I thought it would be a lovely sight to see Enid smile.

In fact, I've always meant to do special cards for all the dozen or so ladies at the group, only things didn't seem to go to plan during first few months of this year. Anyhow, I made the two cards in parallel. Of course I only started at the weekend when I needed them done for Tuesday...

I used the ideas I learned from Ruby when she showed me how to make the sewing box. I thought the finished product was a few steps up from the one I made for Hazel, but they aren't quick to make. Loads of fun, though. And of course they went down a treat.

I hadn't finished putting Margaret's together when I went to the sewing group on Tuesday (and when I took these photos), but she only lives about a mile away and so I dropped her finished card off when I went out for a run today.


  1. You are getting better at your cards. The saying goes, practice makes perfect.

  2. Thank you! I think these were much neater than my first try. I keep reading about stitching bits of ribbon and fabric onto actual card stock and I want to try that one day, too. Meanwhile, I have a ton of Christmas cards to figure out how to recycle!

  3. hi shelley
    yes your cards are lovely, but i still like mine the best!
