I'm sure I've mentioned that it snowed here last week. I was annoyed as it meant not going for a run but what I did do was take the camera and stop by the beach on the way home from runing errands. I got a few comments on the picture I used for my Christmas email, so was thinking that I might capture another useful image.
There were plenty of other people out with cameras. The small black specks in the water below are people surfing. I think they are complete nutters, but I suspect the lunacy of doing it is part of the fun.
Fishing on the Tyne and at the coast isn't uncommon, but I've not seen many out in this sort of weather.
This was my favourite. The snow isn't deep -hence the dirty snowman -- but the fog horn was blaring and the dark was closing in. You can just make out a ship setting out ... There are a lot of people around here who are just more prepared to put up with the cold and the dark than I am!
This last picture reminds me of the Duluth, MN harbor with the lights on both sides. There their would be a lot more rocks, deeper cleaner snow and at this time of the year the water would be frozen over. What can I say, it reminded my of Duluth.