Thursday, 11 December 2008


Monday night was the annual Christmas party for the running club. I had a short run and a very short shower in order to be sure to get there before all the food was gone.

It was a good thing, too, as the caterer had misunderstood the order and provided only half of what was required. We were all asked therefore to 'go gently' and amazingly that amount was just right. We had more sweets than anything, as club members supplied those. I took some spice cake muffins which helped clear out the bottom drawer of the freezer (recipe in a post, soon).

There was the usual raffle with a choice of sweets, alcohol or running kit for prizes.

Bill and I were very lucky with 4 out of 6 tickets being winners, though he gave his last winning number to a lady standing behind us.

Bob gave out club awards, won by people who ran at least 10 of of list of specified races in club colours over the past year.

Jamie did his usual presentation of Club Personality Awards completely made up by him, such as 1st place in the 'Best Complainer' category, 'Most Creative in Excuses' and the like. Bill usually wins something for is patience, ie 'Putting up the Club Tent without Any Swear Words'. (I've got these wrong, I'm sure, but you get the idea). It's always really good for a laugh.

We were at a new venue this year, as we were told the old pub was going out of business. I can't say it was very conducive to mixing, being long and narrow.

However, it is a good location, near our meeting place and next to a Metro station, and a good time was had by all.

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